December 6, 1889


Dear Mr. Arundel,

While I very much appreciate your efforts and counsel on my behalf, I will not be bullied. How much land can a glassworks require? But I see that it is not so much the land upon which Toll Cottage stands that is the attraction, but the landing field adjoining and the tumbledown shambles beyond. If the children and I were out of the way, Mr. Morton would stand to gain a good ten acres of property with river access for next to nothing.

Sadly for him, the children and I deserve a home far more than he deserves a bigger factory. I apologize for my bluntness, but I am about to lift for our journey down to Cornwall, and time is short if we are to arrive in time for dinner. My mother is very strict about punctuality.

My answer stands. I will not sell.

With Lewis, the bearer of this letter, I am also sending the sum of 25,000 American greenbacks and several loose diamonds that are the gift of Lady Davina Dunsmuir. She thinks I am going to have a bracelet made, but there are more useful things in this world than bracelets. Please liquidate them with all possible speed and invest the lot on my behalf in the Zeppelin Airship Works. You may have every confidence that this concern will not go the way of the Arabian Bubble.

In haste,

Claire Trevelyan

9 thoughts on “December 6, 1889”

  1. Eric ForbesEric Forbes

    Awesome, i finished the fourth book, it was outstanding!

    • adminadmin

      Thanks so much! It was a bear to plot, so I’m glad!

  2. Sylvia EthingtonSylvia Ethington

    I’m really enjoying these! It’s like an ongoing serial until the next book arrives. Brilliant! Please keep them coming!

    • adminadmin

      I’ll do my best … the plan is to cover four years over the course of this summer. We’ll see if I can do it!

  3. CaroleCarole

    I love these – don’t stop!

  4. Rachel RatliffRachel Ratliff

    Oh WOW! Four years? This is so exciting! I can’t wait : )

  5. davinderdavinder

    Dear Shelly

    Thank you for simply sublime tales. I do not know how often you have visited London (as it is today). I can only assume, however, that you have a small gas powered time machine under your writing desk, such is the vigour and magic you have imbued in your books. Equally, I do not know how you have created prose that would rival Ms Austen’s. I simply pray that you continue to delight us all with the benefit of it.

  6. ETET

    Once again I thank you.!……great story telling……..and please can we get these in a book/e-book when you are done?………so I can add it to my collection!! My granddaughter is looking forward to reading this series……….would not want her to miss the “letters”.


    • adminadmin

      Yes indeed, I hope to bind the letters and release them in ebook form … er, when they’re done. I’m beginning to think the letters will be ongoing in between books. A lot seems to be happening that I didn’t expect.

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