Strawberry Rhubarb jelly
Our niece posted on Facebook this week that she was making strawberry rhubarb jelly, and my ears perked up. Pies I’ve heard of. But jelly? So I asked her to do a guest blog and share the recipe. So, here’s Amy!
“I would love to share the recipe with you. The funny thing is, it was the Amish Rhubarb Jam Recipe, lol. Super easy and tastes great!
5 cups rhubarb , diced
4 cups sugar (I cut this down to just over half, otherwise it’s too sweet for me)
6 ounces Jell-O gelatin (strawberry)
Mix rhubarb and sugar together and let stand overnight. In the morning, cook mixture until rhubarb is soft.
Remove from heat and stir in Jell-O until it is dissolved. Jar and seal in canner. Makes 6 cups.
I used rhubarb out of the freezer that I had picked, cut, and frozen before we sold our house. Now I have no more rhubarb access unless I purchase it or someone offers me some out of their garden 🙂 If I had known how easy this was, I would have started making it each summer years ago!!
Looking forward to hearing when your book is done and published. Always looking for an excuse to go to Barnes and Noble! :D”
Thanks, Amy! Your uncle just planted a big old rhubarb corm on our sunny back slope, so I expect to be making this recipe in a few months.