A Lady of Spirit: cover reveal!

The absolutely best part of indie publishing (second only to getting reader letters) is creating the cover. With the Magnificent Devices series, I could have gone with the genre markers of gears and goggles, but I chose not to. The series is about women–creative, inventive, resourceful women, and the power they have within themselves. You might notice that on many of the covers there is a glowing ball of energy, or at least traces of it in the air. Yes, you could say, “well, that’s Dr. Craig’s power cell.” Or you might look at it in a more metaphorical sense—that the characters hold their own power.

Whichever way you choose to look at it, Claudia McKinney at Phat Puppy Creations and Kalen O’Donnell make gorgeous covers for the series. So without further ado, here it is, the 6th book in the Magnificent Devices series: A Lady of Spirit—Maggie’s book, to be released at the end of April!

A Lady of Spirit by Shelley Adina

7 thoughts on “A Lady of Spirit: cover reveal!”

  1. eric forbeseric forbes

    Looks great!

    February 23, 2014
  2. EalEal

    Gorgeous! Can’t wait!

    February 23, 2014
  3. Brad HallBrad Hall

    End of April? Can’t wait!!! I love this series.

    February 23, 2014
  4. BobBob

    Marvelous choice for a cover!

    February 23, 2014
  5. beaujohnson48beaujohnson48

    Love the cover. A little surprised Maggie isn’t blond like her “twin”.

    February 23, 2014
    • adminadmin

      Ah, but are they twins? 🙂 Books 5 and 6 deal with this thorny question!

      February 23, 2014
  6. ETET

    WOW! Looking forward to reading the next installment!

    February 23, 2014

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