The schedule is up and I’m on it five times! I’m not quite sure how that happened, but this wide-eyed first-timer is very grateful. You can find the whole shebang on the WorldCon site. But here are my appearances in a nutshell: Thursday August 16, 2018 Carriger & Adina Talk Steampunk (tea and silliness optional) …
If you read steampunk novels, graphic novels, or watch steam-flavored movies (Adele Blanc-Sec, anyone?), you know that the history therein is a mixture of reality, alternate reality, and the neverwas but could-have-been. And that’s why we like it! Now and again I’ll get reader letters that say how much the person enjoyed the history in…
It’s almost time to go to AnomalyCon! I gave an all-day workshop two weekends ago, this weekend I’m giving 9 hours of workshops (filling in at the last minute for a speaker who became ill), and this time next weekend I’ll be in Denver. I don’t know how this spring got so filled with engagements,…
Next up in my series of thinking out loud about the panels at AnomalyCon on March 25–27 is “The Making of a Hero.” This is a subject I enjoy cogitating on because crafting a believable story arc for a hero from mouse to master is a lot of fun. Case in point: Lady Claire Trevelyan. We…
Continuing my series of thinking out loud about the panels I’ll be on at AnomalyCon at the end of March, next up is “The Care and Feeding of Literary Villains.” Those folks we love to hate. Those folks without whom we might not have a story. I like a good villain. When I was little, every cartoon…