Posts Categorized: The Lady’s Letters

Lady Claire Trevelyan Toll Cottage Vauxhall Gardens London Dear Lady Claire, Upon receipt of your tube yesterday, I paid an afternoon call on the proprietors of the Morton Glass Works, your neighbors upriver, and was ushered into the office of Mr. Ainsley Morton III, the current director of the company. I conveyed your wishes that the…

Mr. Richard Arundel, Esq. Arundel & Hollis, Solicitors 46 Temple Lane London Dear Mr. Arundel, I hope this tube finds you well, and that Mrs. Arundel is likewise in good health. Despite what you may have read in the papers of late, I am also well, and have returned to the cottage in Vauxhall Gardens…

Lady Flora St. Ives Gwynn Place St. Just-in-Rosewall Cornwall Dearest Mama, You will be delighted to know that the girls and I and Rosie the chicken are back in England, as I intimated in my letter from Charlottetown, which I hope you received safely. The Viceroy, Lord Peterborough, was so kind to send my letter on…