December 22, 1889


Dearest Claire,

Thank you for your note letting me know you are in Town. While I am puzzled as to the reasons why you would not spend Christmas with your own family, I am delighted that you would like to spend it with us. Yes, by all means, you and the children must come to us for Christmas Eve and stay through Boxing Day. I expect Lady Lucy to moor at Hampstead Heath on the 23rd, so you will be happy to see Tigg again, I know. Willie will be thrilled to see all of his friends and is already busy in the schoolroom making gifts for them out of paper and wood and goodness knows what.

On Christmas Eve it is our habit to invite a few close friends for dinner en famille. While I do not presume upon Her Majesty’s friendship, she has hinted to me that she and the Prince Consort may honor us with a brief visit in order to discuss certain events familiar to you. Do be prepared to discuss the Zeppelin Airship Works, and also to tell her of Count von Zeppelin’s offer with regard to your education. She is deeply interested in education, as you know, and I fear she may require regular reports of the curriculum!

I so look forward to seeing you. It has only been a couple of weeks and yet it feels like an age. Willie’s health is improving in leaps and bounds and I cannot help but feel that it is the joy of having friends like you and the children in his life that is partly responsible for it.

A bientôt, cherie,

Davina Dunsmuir

PS: Have you heard from Alice? I had expected to before this, but if you tell me not to worry, I shall not.

PPS: Are you outfitted for your sojourn in Prussia? My modiste is both prompt and original and I know would be delighted to take you on as a client. Any excuse for a trip to the Pantechnicon is a good one, in my opinion.

3 thoughts on “December 22, 1889”

  1. CaroleCarole

    I do hope Lady Claire has time to get some new clothes! It will be good to see Willie again, too.

  2. Sylvia EthingtonSylvia Ethington

    What has become of Alice and Jake? It would be nice to have a note from them too! 🙂

  3. BobBob

    I am soooo hooked now…

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