More Magnificent Devices adventures in 2018!

The number one question an author gets from her readers is, “When is the next book coming out?” Sometimes the answer is easy: “February 19. I hope you’ll like it!” Sometimes the answer is difficult: “Um, after I finish the two books ahead of it.” But the number of people who have written to ask if there could please, please be more Magnificent Devices stories has made me rethink my whole release strategy. So—drumroll please—the adventures will NOT end at Book 12, but instead will sail on with both the Mysterious Devices spinoff series, and a continuing set of short reads!

Here they are for 2018:

  • February 19 — The Bride Wore Constant White: Mysterious Devices 1
  • May 21 — Carrick House: A Magnificent Devices novella (old friends and exciting news)
  • August 20 —The Dancer Wore Opera Rose: Mysterious Devices 2
  • November 19 — Selwyn Park: A Magnificent Devices novella (a disastrous country house party)

And here are the dates for my other books in 2018:

  • October 8 — Secret Spring (Corsair’s Cove Orchard novella 4)
  • December 19 — The Sweetest Song (The Whinburg Township Amish 9)

Thank you so much for clipping yourselves to a security line and flying with me on this voyage!


5 thoughts on “More Magnificent Devices adventures in 2018!”

  1. barb rosebarb rose

    Busy, busy lady…..when did you say you were going to see Anne of Green Gables again?……was it this year, next, or next? Lol.

  2. MelissaMelissa

    Did The Sweetest Song get released?

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