At Lancaster University, doctoral students in the English & Creative Writing Department typically graduate in December. Brrr. But despite that, my sweetie, who is nothing if not intrepid, suggested we combine a winter graduation with Christmas in London and a visit to the Christkindlmarkt in Bavaria. Shopping? I’m in! Then, last week, my supervisor told…
Recently I wrote an article for our local magazine that drew on little-known information I’d found in my research about Holy City, California. I sent a copy to my supervisor, who told me that the university considers this “knowledge exchange,” and he was all in favor of my continuing to do things like this. At…
As a “distance learner” in the PhD in Creative Writing program at Lancaster, I miss a lot of on-campus activities. Granted, I knew that when I signed on, but still, I can’t help but feel a little wistful when the announcements of postgraduate (PGR) events come in my inbox. Author visits. Coffee and thesis readings.…
I passed! Let’s put that right up front, to the sound of fireworks and the clinking of glasses! 🙂 My confirmation panel, aka upgrade panel, was held this morning over Skype, consisting of two professors who hadn’t seen my work before this, plus my supervisor, who was there to take notes so that I wasn’t…
It’s hard to believe I’ve reached the halfway point in my studies in the PhD in Creative Writing program at Lancaster University. My first year review was in September, and now the next milestone is the confirmation panel. In the words of the Postgraduate Handbook, this means: “At Lancaster, all research students are registered for…