Neptune’s Maid: A Cornish steampunk sea-shanty
Sailors will you gather round
And hear my own sad tale-o
Of men who hear the siren’s call
O’er steam and sea and sail-o.
There was a young man, braw and hale
And to the Lord so dear-o
With a voice so strong and true
The birds would come to hear-o.
One day she heard him, Neptune’s maid,
As waves she rode to land-o
She changed her shape and came ashore
And met him on the strand-o.
He forgot he trothéd was
To church and lady fair-o
He took the mermaid to his wife
With seashells in her hair-o.
O where is her lover dear?
O where now is he-o?
The mermaid’s ta’en him by the hand
And led him out to sea-o.
Come the nights of stormy gales
When wives fear for their kin-o
Some say they hear him singing still
Beneath the waves and wind-o.
Lyrics ©2014 Shelley Adina
Based loosely on the legend of the mermaid of Zennor, and featured in the upcoming Magnificent Devices novel, A Lady of Spirit.