Countdown to release: Day 5
Borage for courage
Legend has it that Roman soldiers used to take borage (Borago officinalis) before they went into battle, hence the expression “borage for courage.” It is known for its support of the adrenal glands, so maybe that’s why. This starry blue flower can be eaten right off the plant, and tastes like cucumber. Here’s a way to liven up the punch bowl at a summer party: Simply freeze a borage flower into each of the ice cubes in the tray and when you add the cubes to your punch, it will look as though flowers are floating in it. Maybe you’ll find the wallflowers among your guests plucking up their courage to be more social!
“If a woman is unhappy but can’t tell the cause, I often give her my Sunshine Tea. You probably have everything you need to make it in your own garden, except borage flowers and rose petals, which I enclose in the zippy bag.” —Herb of Grace
That’s a beautiful photograph of borage flowers. I’m an amatuer photographer, and greatly enjoy seeing good pictures from others. What kind of camera do you use? I use my Canon Digital Rebel.
I think that one was just with my iPhone 5, but normally I use a Nikon DSLR. I’m just an amateur too 🙂